Monday, 6 June 2011

What is Social Media?

In its broad context, social media can be defined as a social instrument of communication. Social networking sites such Twitter and Facebook have grown substantially over the past 3 years. Social media trumps the traditional media as it allows interactivity. This allows you to input your own thoughts into the matter, unlike in traditional media, you could only read, listen and watch.

This two-way process engages the audience and provides them with a unique experience everytime. Not only does the audience have the opportunity to communicate with the publisher, they get to interact with other readers as well.

This interactivity can be found particularly on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Highly customizable, they can be used both by businesses and individuals. An individual's circle of friends can be included in your daily posts, uploading of photos and even, through wonder of GPS, the places you've visited today. Your friends may comment on your posts or "like" it. Businesses on the other hand use it as a tool for marketing. Having followers on Twitter and Facebook, companies have formulated entire campaigns just based on the social media phenomenon. Various strategies such as viral marketing, have been devised to utilize the power of the social media.

Image source: Caught Offside

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